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emoteedits.com user tiers

Sign in for a free daily unwatermarked emote, or Subscribe for $4.99+tax USD per month for unlimited emotes!

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All users have access to:

  • 4 free, unwatermarked emote makers
  • 8 watermarked emote makers

Basically: Make and download emotes freely, but many will have the watermark.

Signed In


Create a free account to access:

  • 4 free, unwatermarked emote makers
  • 8 watermarked emote makers
  • one free watermark removal per day

Basically: Get one free unwatermarked emote download every 24 hours from the watermarked emote makers.

subscriber icon



Pay $4.99+tax USD per month for:

  • 4 free, unwatermarked emote makers
  • 8 emote makers with all watermarks removed
  • 3 sub-only, unwatermarked emote makers
  • 15 unwatermarked emote makers in total!
  • overlay template image feature

Basically: Watermark-free access to all the normal emote makers plus sub-only ones and extra features.

emoteedits.com lets you create emotes right in your browser for Twitch, Discord, and more.
Check out an emote maker or the homepage if you're new to see what it's all about!